The production of biodiesel from jatropha curca and its social impact


  • Segundo A. García Muentes Aspiring to Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Facultad de Ciecias Matemáticas, Físicas y Químicas, Universidad Tecnca de Manabí.
  • María Gabriela García Ávila Master, Doctor in Medicine, Hospital "Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante”, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.
  • Benigno Luis Labrada Vázquez Doctor of Science, from the Universidad de Oriente, School of Chemical Engineering, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Ana Esthela Sánchez del Campo Laffita Doctora of Science, from the Universidad de Oriente, School of Chemical Engineering, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


Biodiesel, Good Living, Social Impact, Jatropha Curca, Energy Production


The social impact of planting and harvesting the jatropha curca for the production of biodiesel in the province of Manabí is shown, where there are several municipalities involved in this process, mainly the populations that live in rural areas where the conditions are created for their improvement of quality and good living from the income they receive for performing these tasks. A social relationship model was designed that links the social development of rural areas in the province of Manabí with the sowing, harvesting and industrialization of jatropha curca in social development, demonstrating the benefit of using indigenous natural resources for the in the improvement of the quality of life of the populations directed to the economic, energetic, social and environmental sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Muentes, S. A. G., Ávila, M. G. G., Vázquez, B. L. L., & Laffita, A. E. S. del C. (2017). The production of biodiesel from jatropha curca and its social impact. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(6), 89–98. Retrieved from



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