The growth of balinese cows which getting basic ration of spear grass and angsana leaf supplemented with silk tree leaf


  • Stefanus Sio Faculty of Agricultural, University of Timor
  • Hilarius Yosep Sikone Faculty of Agricultural, University of Timor
  • Charles Asar Usboko Faculty of Agricultural, University of Timor


Growth, Balinese Cow, Angsana Leaf, Heteropogon Contortus, Paraserianthesfalcataria L.


The study had been conducted to find out the growth of Balinese cows which getting basic ration of spear grass (Heteropogoncontortus) and Angsana leaf that had been supplemented with Silk tree leaf (Paraserianthes falcataria L.). The study was using complete randomized block design with 4 ration treatments and 3 times repetition. Each repetition was using three Balinese cows. The weight of cows being used were in the range of: 83-181 kg. Basic ration being given was arranged based on the percentage of dry ingredients namely: 80% of spear grass + 20% of Angsana leaf (A), 80% of spear grass + 20% of Angsana leaf + 10% of silk tree leaf (B), 80% of spear grass + 20% of Angsana leaf + 15% of silk tree leaf (C), and  80% of spear grass + 20% of Angsana leaf + 20% of silk tree leaf (D), The variables being measured were: dry ingredients consumption, nutrients consumption, body weight gain and Feed Conversion Ratio. The result of study showed that with administration of 20% of silk tree leaf in basic ration was significantly improving (P< 0.05) the consumption of dry ingredients and nutrient, and daily weight gain. The result of study concluded that with administration of silk tree leaf in basic ration of spear grass and Angsana leaf increased the growth of Balinese ox.


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How to Cite

Sio, S., Sikone, H. Y., & Usboko, C. A. (2017). The growth of balinese cows which getting basic ration of spear grass and angsana leaf supplemented with silk tree leaf. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(6), 107–115. Retrieved from



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