Institutional learning and early economic impact results obtained by the network of business development centers in Chile



business assistance CDN, economic growth, micro and small businesses, public policies


Like other Latin American countries, Chile depends heavily on the activity of small and medium-sized companies to sustain some macro and microeconomic indicators. In particular, one of the productive development agencies that has taken a leading role in this objective is the Technical Cooperation Service (SERCOTEC). This institution has defined a set of support programs in different areas in order to meet the needs of this business segment. In this context, the article provides an overview of institutional learning, lessons learned, and economic impacts obtained by the Business Development Centers program, describing the central role of this innovative public policy that has responded actively and efficiently to the growth of the ventures and companies assisted between the years 2015-2019.


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How to Cite

Barra Novoa, R. (2021). Institutional learning and early economic impact results obtained by the network of business development centers in Chile. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 7(4), 136–147.



Research Articles