Formula “ke-kame-tu” high protein and zinc as basic ingredients for under five years old supplementary feeding


  • I Komang Agusjaya Mataram Nutrition Department Health Polytechnic Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • A. A. Gde Raka Kayanaya Nutrition Department Health Polytechnic Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


formula, PMT, protein, under five years old, zinc


The aim of the research was to create a “ke-kame-tu” formula high in protein and zinc. Making the formula "ke-kame-tu" using a randomized block design, taste data obtained by organoleptic test followed by ANOVA analysis. Protein analysis using the micro-kjeldahl method, and zinc analysis using the spectrophotometric method. The “ke-kame-tu” formula consists of a mixture of moringa leaf flour, red bean flour and tuna fish flour with the following ratio (gram) that is F1 (15-70-15); F2 (15-60-25); F3 (15-50-35); F4 (15-40-45); F5 (15-30-55); F6 (15-20-65). The nutritional content of the "ke-kame-tu" formula is as follows: a) Zinc content between 17.28% (F6) to 23.87% (F1), b) Protein content between 16.49% (F6) to 26.97% (F2), and c) Fat content is between 4.20% (F1) to 5.93% (F5). The ke-kame-tu formula contains complete essential amino acids, namely the amino acids histidine, threonine, arginine, methionine, valine, phenylalanine, iso leusie, leucine and lysine and as the limiting amino acid is methionine. Supplementary feeding (PMT) N1 protein content 10.138 g; N2 9.683 g; N3 9.097 g; N4 9.243 g; N5 10,473g and N6 10,197g. The best PMT based on the acceptability test by the panelists is the nugget product added with the F2 formula (15-60-25).


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How to Cite

Mataram, I. K. A., & Kayanaya, A. A. G. R. (2021). Formula “ke-kame-tu” high protein and zinc as basic ingredients for under five years old supplementary feeding. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 7(6), 225–232.



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