Strategy for quality culture development of construction implementing service companies in running a quality management system based on organizational culture and national culture to reduce construction failure rates



construction failure, national culture, organizational culture, quality culture, quality management


The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the development of a quality culture in implementing a quality management system based on ISO 9001 based on organizational culture and national culture that influence each other in contracting companies, especially in Indonesia. The analysis of this research by processing 151 respondents' data using SPSS and SmartPLS. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the National Culture, Quality Management System, and Organizational Culture affect the Quality Culture Development. The significant indicators of the National Culture variable on the Quality Culture Development are individualism/collectivism and power distance. While the significant indicators of the Quality Management System variable on the Quality Culture Development are organizational and operational contexts. A significant indicator of the Organizational Culture variable on the development of a Quality Culture is Efforts to Achieve Performance and Leadership. To develop a Quality Culture influenced by the National Culture, Quality Management System, and Organizational Culture. This research can be used as material or input in developing a Quality Culture to reduce the rate of construction failure in BUMN construction service companies in Indonesia in the future.



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How to Cite

Katharina, I. S., & Latief, Y. (2022). Strategy for quality culture development of construction implementing service companies in running a quality management system based on organizational culture and national culture to reduce construction failure rates. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 8(4), 79–95.



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