Analysis of differences in effectiveness between salt water bath therapy and ginger water bath therapy on pain scale and its relationship with age, gender, and education level in gout sufferers in the working area of the Mpunda Public Health Center of Bima City


  • Sayful Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
  • Julhana Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Nursing Department, Bima-Nusa Tenggara Barat-Indonesia
  • Rosalina Edy Swandayani Al Azhar Islamic University, Indonesia


elderly, gout disease, pain scale, warm ginger water bath, warm salt water bath


Background: Gouty arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the connective tissue of the joints, is progressive, symmetrical, and systemic, and tends to turn chronic. It has typical symptoms experienced by sufferers, such as pain in one or more joints. These symptoms can interfere with comfort in activities. Method: This study used a Quasi-Experimental design with a Two Group Pretest-Posttest approach. Sampling was done using the Quota sampling technique, resulting in 40 respondents chosen. Data analysis in this study, to answer research questions and hypotheses, was bivariate analysis using 4 (four) types of statistical tests, namely 1) Wilcoxon test, 2) Mann-Witney test, 3) Test Gamma correlation, and 4) Chi-square test with a significant level ? of 0.05. Results: The results showed that the Mean Rank of the warm salt water bath group was lower, namely 18.55, while that of the warm ginger water bath group was 22.45. The statistical test results showed that the p-value was 0.145> 0.05, meaning that statistically, there was no difference in effectiveness between the two therapies on the pain scale of respondents because the value did not reach 5.


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How to Cite

Sayful , S., Julhana, J., & Swandayani, R. E. (2022). Analysis of differences in effectiveness between salt water bath therapy and ginger water bath therapy on pain scale and its relationship with age, gender, and education level in gout sufferers in the working area of the Mpunda Public Health Center of Bima City. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 8(5), 167–177.



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