Wetland system for geothermal wastewater management

A case study in pertamina geothermal energy area Lahendong, North Sulawesi



  • Hariyadi Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Tomohon Christian University, Indonesia


geothermal, model design, phytoremediation, wastewater, wetland


The SFS-Wetland model used is the wastewater treatment tank belonging to Pertamina Geothermal Lahendong. Based on the slope of the existing land, it is possible to design twin gravity wetlands of a certain size. This study aimed to develop a Surface Flow System Constructed Wetland design model using Monocaria vaginalis, Salvania molesta and Colocasia esculenta, analyze stakeholder perceptions of the SFS-Wetland Model, and refine this model based on stakeholder perceptions. Stakeholders' perception of the SFS-Wetland model based on a priority scale is that the geothermal waste management system is acceptable and accountable from an environmental perspective, waste management is socially and culturally acceptable, accountable and economically feasible. The components of the SFS-Wetland Model that must be improved are land availability, utilization of other local plant potentials, final geothermal wastewater temperature ranging from 33-35oC, ease of operation/maintenance, and low and environmentally friendly operational costs. The SFS-Wetland model suggested by stakeholders to improve is the existing SFS-Wetland model by taking into account the stakeholders' perceptions of the components that must be improved, namely the expansion of land for wetland ponds as much as 2x8 = 16 pool plots with a size of 35x60m = 33600 M2. 


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How to Cite

Hariyadi, H. (2022). Wetland system for geothermal wastewater management: A case study in pertamina geothermal energy area Lahendong, North Sulawesi. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 8(5), 197–209. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjeis.v8n5.2181



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