The effect of health education on the level of knowledge and attitude of mothers about COVID-19 prevention at posyandu of mpunda public health center of Bima City


  • Indra Rahmad Poltekes Kemenkes Mataram
  • Julhana Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Nursing Department
  • Dhany Dahniarty Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Nursing Department
  • Awan Dramawan Stikes Yahya Bima, Midwife Department
  • Syaiful Aniharyati Aniharyati Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Nursing Department
  • Aniharyati Aniharyati Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes Mataram), Nursing Department,


attitude, COVID-19, education, knowledge, prevention


Background of Study: Transmission of COVID-19 is made through close contact and saliva splashes/droplets, instead of air transmission. Baby is one of the most vulnerable subjects to any kind of disease due to their body's immune is still likely weak or imperfect.  Providing insights on the importance of maintaining health and the danger of COVID-19 virus is necessary to conduct through some informal educational platforms to the society.  Method: the research method used in the present study was quasi-experiment with pre-test and post-test with a control group design.  The sampling technique used was random sampling. In this study, a bivariate test was conducted to find out the effect and difference in the level of knowledge and attitude of both the control group and experimental group.  The present study, further, used the statistical test of Mann Witney and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.


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How to Cite

Rahmad, I., Julhana, J., Dahniarty, D., Dramawan, A., Aniharyati, S. A., & Aniharyati, A. (2022). The effect of health education on the level of knowledge and attitude of mothers about COVID-19 prevention at posyandu of mpunda public health center of Bima City. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 8(5), 210–221.



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