Analysis and redesign of the website user interface of Universitas Faletehan using the design thinking method


  • Mohamad Aghust Kurniawan Informatics Department, Universitas Faletehan, Indonesia
  • Galih Ariprawira Informatics Department, Universitas Faletehan, Indonesia
  • Irma Wibiyanti Informatics Department, Universitas Faletehan, Indonesia
  • Andrian Informatics Department, Universitas Faletehan, Indonesia
  • Edi Suherlan Informatics Department, Universitas Faletehan, Indonesia


method design thinking, usability, user experience, user interface, website


The website of Universitas Faletehan as a media for publication of information and documentation as well as one of the student information systems. Currently, several problems have been found on Universitas Faletehan website. Among them are the appearance of the main page that is less organized and less organized, and page navigation that is still empty. For this reason, a design for improving the interface is carried out using the design thinking method. This method is known as a comprehensive thinking process that concentrates on creating a solution that begins with a process of empathy for a particular human-centered need. There are 5 stages in this method, namely Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Testing. The recommended application is built in the form of a prototype using the Figma application. The prototype that was built was successfully tested on 11 respondents by using the System Usability Scale (SUS) test and the application prototype with a score of 60.


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How to Cite

Kurniawan, M. A., Ariprawira, G., Wibiyanti, I., Andrian, A., & Suherlan, E. (2022). Analysis and redesign of the website user interface of Universitas Faletehan using the design thinking method. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 8(6), 290–298.



Research Articles