The study of clean water supply system managed by the community to ensure reliability of the clean water supply system in Tabanan District


  • Ketut Wiwin Andayani Politeknik Negeri Bali, Badung, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Anom Purwa Winaya Politeknik Negeri Bali, Badung, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Sedana Triadi Politeknik Negeri Bali, Badung, Indonesia
  • I G N K Mahesa Adi Wardana Politeknik Negeri Bali, Badung, Indonesia


clean water, non PDAM, water availability, water needs, water supply system


Based on data from the Tabanan Regency Central Bureau of Statistics in 2020 administratively the Tabanan Regency area is 839.33 km2, consisting of 133 villages and 816 official banjars, with a population of 448,000 people. Tabanan Regency is one of the regencies in Bali, where the topographical conditions of the existing villages are mostly in remote areas, so they often experience difficulties with clean water distribution problems. For the current condition, the provision of clean water in Tabanan Regency is provided by PDAM (Local Water Company) through the use of springs, ground water and river water, in addition to several areas the water supply is carried out through Pamsimas (Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Provision). Currently Pamsimas Tabanan Regency is divided into 9 service coverage areas for people in rural areas. In general, the condition of drinking water services presents the main problem, namely that not all areas are accessed by adequate water services. This problem is mainly caused by various obstacles such as limited water resources, limited infrastructure and topographical conditions.


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How to Cite

Andayani, K. W., Winaya, I. N. A. P., Triadi, I. N. S., & Wardana, I. G. N. K. M. A. (2023). The study of clean water supply system managed by the community to ensure reliability of the clean water supply system in Tabanan District. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 9(2), 65–75.



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