Task-based learning and student team achievement division on students motivation and reading achievement

An experimental studies



  • Lisa Dewi Purnama Sari Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Arifuddin Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Kamaludin Yusra Mataram University, Indonesia


Motivation, Reading Achievement, Task-Based Learning, Student Team Achievement Division


This study aimed at identifying the effect of Task-Based Learning (TBL) on students’ motivation and reading achievement, the effect of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on students’ motivation and reading achievement, and the difference in the effect of Task-Based Learning (TBL) and Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on students’ motivation and reading achievement. The sample of this research was the grade X students of SMAN 2 Aikmel in academic year 2017/2018. This research used true experimental with pre-test and post-test only designs. Quantitative analysis was done by using two-way ANOVA for hypotheses testing. After analyzing the data, the result of the research showed that TBL was effective to improve the students’ reading achievement and was also effective to increase the students’ motivation. In the same way, when the test was applied to STAD class, the result indicated that STAD also had efficacy to enhance students’ reading achievement and to increase students’ motivation. Furthermore, from the result of the research, it was clear that TBL and STAD had no different results in improving students’ reading achievement and motivation. Thus, from the result of the analysis it could be concluded that there was significant effect of Task-Based Learning (TBL) on students’ motivation and reading achievement; there was significant effect of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on students’ motivation and reading achievement; and there was no any significant difference in the effect of Task-Based Learning (TBL) and Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on students’ motivation and reading achievement.


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How to Cite

Sari, L. D. P., Arifuddin, .-., & Yusra, K. (2018). Task-based learning and student team achievement division on students motivation and reading achievement: An experimental studies. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(2), 87–97. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjeis.v4n2.230



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