Exploration and collection of cucumber mosaic virus isolates of horticultural plants from Bali



  • Ni Putu Pandawani Universitas Mahasaraswati, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Cokorda Javandira Universitas Mahasaraswati, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Farida Hanum Universitas Mahasaraswati, Denpasar, Indonesia


Cucumber mosaic virus, Cucumis sativus, Cucurbita moschata, Lycopersum esculentum, Vigna sinensis


Information regarding the existence and biological character of CMV isolates from several horticultural plants from Bali is still limited. The results of this research on information are very much needed in the further research and development of science and technology, due to it is known that CMV isolates from different hosts can cause different symptoms of infection or specific symptoms in certain plants. Based on these problems, this research was conducted through exploration, collection, and biological testing of CMV isolates found in several horticultural plants in Bali. Therefore, the existence and biological characteristics of each isolate were known. The results showed that all isolates obtained from the field, as many as 36 isolates, only 18 isolates showed symptoms of N. glutinousa. The isolates showed symptoms in N. glutinosa plants were isolates from cucumber plants 4 isolates, eggplant 3 isolates, pumpkin 1 isolate, 3 chili isolates, 2 isolates tomatoes, 2 beans isolates, and watermelons 3 isolates. The types of symptoms that appeared varied, i.e., 10 symptomatic mosaic isolates, 4 malformed isolates, and 4 necrotic symptomatic isolates. Detection of I-ELISA using CMV antiserum succeeded in getting 6 positive CMV isolates, i.e., isolates derived from cucumber plants (CMV-MB isolates), eggplant (CMV-TRB isolates) watermelon (CMV-SB isolates), chili (CMV-CB isolates), pumpkin (CMV-LB isolates), and tomatoes (CMV-TB isolates). The results of biological testing of CMV isolates from Bali, mosaic symptoms occurred in the indicator plants Nicotiana glutinosa, Capsicum annuum (big chili), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Lycopersum esculentum (tomato), and Cucurbita moschata (pumpkin). Severe mosaic symptoms only occurred in Cucumis sativus (cucumber) plants. In Vigna sinensis (long bean) infection CMV-Bali isolates only cause symptoms of malformation and even cause no symptoms.


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How to Cite

Pandawani, N. P., Javandira, C., & Hanum, F. (2018). Exploration and collection of cucumber mosaic virus isolates of horticultural plants from Bali. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(6), 44–54. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjeis.v4n6.340



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