Development of interactive mathematics learning media on statistics topic for hearing-impaired student


  • I Made Suarsana Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
  • Gusti Ayu Mahayukti Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Komang Sudarma Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Bayu Ary Yoga Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia


Hearing-impaired students, Interactive media, Mathematics learning, Sign language, Statistics


This research is a development research carried out to answer the problem of scarcity of special mathematics learning resources for hearing-impaired students. Through this research will be developed interactive mathematics learning media which (i) contains material about Statistics in Class VII, (ii) displays abstract mathematical objects in visual form, (iii) displays interesting visualizations according to the characteristics of hearing-impaired students, (iv) equipped with sign language, (v) hierarchically arranged which is ordered where students will be able to move to the next page if they have been able to give the right response/answer, (vi) equipped with evaluation with direct feedback. The research was conducted through four stages, adopting a 4-D development research design (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The quality of the media produced is determined based on expert validation. The results of expert validation indicate that the devices developed have met very valid criteria. In order for the device to meet eligibility criteria, the research needs to be continued so that practical and effective criteria are met through limited and broad trials.


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How to Cite

Suarsana, I. M., Mahayukti, G. A., Sudarma, I. K., & Yoga, I. N. B. A. (2018). Development of interactive mathematics learning media on statistics topic for hearing-impaired student. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(6), 55–66.



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