Ergonomic risk assessment for forced posture


  • Carlos Alberto Litardo Velasquez Doctorate Program, Industrial Engineer, Universidad Tecnologica de la Habana, Cuba (Cujae)
  • Ronald Ivan Ross Villavicencio Industrial Engineer, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Fabricio Andres Cheme Ruiz Industrial Engineer, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Jorge Moreira Solorzano Industrial Engineer, Division of Human Talent, Portoviejo, Ecuador


ergonomics, forced postures, musculoskeletal disorders, occupational diseases, postural hygiene


Applying the ergonomic method "rapid assessment of the whole body" (REBA), a way of evaluation and diagnosis of the jobs immersed within the direction of Human Talent of the Provincial Government of Manabí (GPM) is demonstrated. To the prevention of future diseases by studying techniques that can improve the health of the personnel involved. A diagnosis of the risk factors present in the workplace was carried out. The field evaluation was carried out and the descriptive procedure was applied by collecting data from a population in association with the following techniques: observation, survey, matrix, As a result, a rest break system should be implemented so that people can recover their energies in order to improve their work performance and that they develop training, talks, and workshops that help to improve knowledge about ergonomics and their risk factors.


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How to Cite

Velasquez, C. A. L., Villavicencio, R. I. R., Ruiz, F. A. C., & Solorzano, J. M. (2017). Ergonomic risk assessment for forced posture. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(1), 1–7. Retrieved from



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