Students English Speaking Ability

Senior High School


  • - Mukammal Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Priyono Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Amrullah Mataram University, Indonesia


Dormitory, Assessment, Speaking Ability, Islamic Boarding School Foundation


This Study is intended to assess students’ English speaking ability in Syaikh Zainuddin Islamic Senior High School NW Anjani East Lombok which includes; the categories of students’ English speaking ability, the problems are experienced by students when they speak English and factors affect students’ English speaking ability. The data was collected through audio and video recording of students’ group discussions and depth interviews with the headmaster, English teachers, language advisors and students. The data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative method. The results of this study are; first, the categories of students’ English speaking ability are 86.8 % students in high, 11.2 % student medium and 2.8 % in the low category. Second, the problems are experienced by students when they speak English are; difficult to begin, vocabularies mastering, pronunciation, and grammatically, and third, factors affect students’ English speaking ability are; environment, learning method, control, language rules, rewards, and punishments.


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How to Cite

Mukammal, .-., Priyono, .-., & Amrullah, .-. (2018). Students English Speaking Ability: Senior High School. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(2), 1–13. Retrieved from



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