Dually-gifted: dully respected


  • Shambhavi Tiwari Masters in English and Communication skills. Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


discrimination, hijras, history, queer, transgender


This paper speaks to and for transgendered people. In it, I go over some key terms related with the transgender way of living, what a man would need to do to end up transgendered and segregation that a man would confront as a result of being transgendered. As we all know that Queer is an umbrella term for gender minorities that are not anyway heterosexual. Initially signifying "weird" or "curious", this word Queer came to be sent derogatorily against those with same-sex yearnings or connections in the late-nineteenth century. Starting in the late-1980s, Queer researchers and activists started to recover the word to build up the group and attest a politicized character unmistakable from the gay political personality. Strange identities might be received by the individuals who reject conventional sex personalities and look for a more extensive, fewer conformists, and purposely questionable other option to the mark LGBT.


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How to Cite

Tiwari, S. (2016). Dually-gifted: dully respected. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(7), 68–73. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjeis/article/view/500



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