A reflection on the medium of cinema, film versus digital: which side are you on?


  • Amar Singh Amar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University


christopher Nolan, james Cameron, keanu reeves, martin Scorsese, steven Spielberg


Storytelling has been an essential part of the survival of humans and human civilization in general. Over the years humans have designed and found newer ways to narrate and preserve their memories. However, it was not until the Lumière brothers found the magic of narrating stories by moving the frozen images, not until cinema was invented, the art of storytelling remained somewhere hollow. This is one such medium that encompasses all the art forms, whether painting, dance, drama, etc. or any science, whether it be physics, chemistry, math; and at times, it even succeeds revolutionizing these and other such streams. Nonetheless, since last few years, cinema is also going through a certain revolution. This revolution is about the freedom of choosing the medium via which directors want to narrate their stories, that is, with film or digital. Now, this paper is an attempt to explore the possibilities that these mediums provide to cinema along with their limitations. Also, it seeks for an answer as what kind of effect and effect it produces on first, the director, and second, on the audience, when one medium is chosen over the other.


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How to Cite

Singh, A. (2016). A reflection on the medium of cinema, film versus digital: which side are you on?. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(7), 74–80. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjeis/article/view/501



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