The correlation of hand muscle load and learning outcomes towards typing activities of Balinese script using keyboard of aksara bali smart


  • IKG Suhartana Department of Computer Science, Faculty of MIPA, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • N Adiputra Physiology Section, Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • K Tirtayasa Physiology Section, Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • IDP Sutjana Physiology Section, Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, Indonesia


balinese script, hand muscle load, input component, learning outcomes, output component


The computer was to a tool that helps the human activities in various field unlike for education, banking, simulation, war, and so on. In regarding the education was used to learning e.g. typing a script. The computer was included three main components i.e. input components, a processing component, and an output component. The keyboard was included as an input component. Redesigning a keyboard was done to producing a special keyboard of aksara Bali smart that have the character feature was composed on it. In order to prove the efficiency and effectiveness the tool itself would be tested the connection of hand muscles load and learning outcomes of typing activity Balinese script using the keyboard of aksara Bali smart. The technique of correlating descriptive was used that involved 23 students, including 17 males and 6 females who met criteria the inclusion and exclusion randomly were selected.


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How to Cite

Suhartana, I., Adiputra, N., Tirtayasa, K., & Sutjana, I. (2016). The correlation of hand muscle load and learning outcomes towards typing activities of Balinese script using keyboard of aksara bali smart. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(7), 102–107. Retrieved from



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