The relationship between the level of spiritual and self-esteem on depression towards patients with diabetes mellitus


  • I Wayan Mustika Lecturer in Polytechnic of Health Denpasar, Department of Nursing, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Candra Lecturer in Polytechnic of Health Denpasar, Department of Nursing, Bali, Indonesia
  • NLP Yunianti SC Lecturer in Polytechnic of Health Denpasar, Department of Nursing, Bali, Indonesia


depression, diabetes mellitus, patient, self-esteem, spiritual level


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) was a non-communicable disease, which became the third cause of death after stroke and hypertension with a number of cases continue to increase. Objective: The research objective was to analyze the relationship between the spiritual level, self-esteem, and depression in patients with diabetes mellitus. The present research was design/drafting correlational studies. The model approach towards the subject of research conducted by cross-sectional. The research was conducted at the health center IV South Denpasar for five months. The study population was patients with DM and patients at high risk who went to the health center IV South Denpasar. The samples which selected which met the inclusion criteria and exclusion amounted to 41 people. Based on the results of the analysis was obtained that there was a significant negative relationship between the spiritual level to the level of depression shown by the p-value = 0.018 (p <0.05). The hypothesis thereby was accepted. Conclusion: the low spiritual level would be followed by the high rate of depression. Conversely, the high spiritual level would be followed by low levels of depression. It was similar to the analysis of self-esteem and depression.


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How to Cite

Mustika, I. W., Candra, I. W., & SC, N. Y. (2016). The relationship between the level of spiritual and self-esteem on depression towards patients with diabetes mellitus. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(7), 125–133. Retrieved from



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