Access to personal hygiene improves the quality of life at elderly hostels


  • Agus Sri Lestari Postgraduate Student of Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, lecturer at Poltekkes Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • Nyoman Adiputra Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • IB Adnyana Manuaba Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Dewa Putu Sutjana Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Indonesia


access, elderly hostel, life, personal hygiene improves, quality


The awareness of someone’s ability to maintain and to keep life has become better; hence having a longer life expectation became a grace and a pride. It is estimated that life expectancy figures maximally up to 125 years. The increase in people’s awareness of maintaining and sustaining life, in order to get a better quality of life, results in a higher life expectancy. Aging is a natural and spontaneous process started from the childhood, puberty, young adults, and then declines in the middle to seniors (elderly). The prosperity of the elderly people, whom due to their physical or mental condition no longer possible role in development, needs special attention from the government and society. This research was conducted in a nursing home (home service). The nursing home as a place where the elderly live needs to adjust and redesign their bathroom. This effort is done by considering that the ability of the elderly’s motor movement has tremendously declined; it is caused by the decrease in their motor sensor capacity. The elderly should get attention, particularly on meeting their needs on personal hygiene.


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How to Cite

Lestari, A. S., Adiputra, N., Manuaba, I. A., & Sutjana, I. D. P. (2016). Access to personal hygiene improves the quality of life at elderly hostels. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research, 2(11), 22–28. Retrieved from



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