IoT of Nextion X TFT ILI9341: Experimental Results and Comparative Survey


  • Antonio Carlos Bento Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


IoT, Nextion, Display, Arduino, ILI9341


This study presents the results obtained in experimental and comparative research, between the Nextion and TFT devices ILI9341, carried out in 2017, focusing mainly on the positive and negative points presented by the different devices when using a touch screen display for Arduino. The methodology used to obtain the data was experimental research with the devices, applying for the systematic review, considering personal experience when using these types of equipment. After obtaining the data was proceeded to consolidate, categorize and analyze the quantitative and qualitative results. There was a perception about the results that point out the pros and cons on the different technologies, among these areas: the ease of creating interfaces to the screen; the ease of configuration and installation, as well as the quality of the products and their prices. In counterpoint, the Nextion device presented a higher cost compared to the TFT devices ILI9341, the main difference between the two devices is in: their prices; ease of solutions creation. In addition to the use of Arduino board resources, in these requirements, the devices Nextion presented better results, as presented in this study.


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How to Cite

Bento, A. C. (2018). IoT of Nextion X TFT ILI9341: Experimental Results and Comparative Survey. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(2), 14–23.



Research Articles