The relationship of school characteristics, society participation, schools climate, and management capability with school effectiveness in the state of senior high school in Bali Province



community participation, managerial ability, school characteristics, school climate, school effectiveness


The research aims at finding out the picture of direct and indirect correlation among school characteristics, community participation, school climate, managerial ability and school effectiveness at Public Senior High Schools in Bali Province. The research employed a quantitative approach with a correlational design. The data were collected using Likert-type questionnaires and analyzed with SEM-AMOS. In general, the research results indicated that there was a significant direct correlation between school characteristics and community participation, school characteristics and school climate, community participation and school climate, school characteristics and managerial ability, community participation and managerial ability, school climate and managerial ability, and managerial ability and school effectiveness; there was an insignificant direct correlation between school climate and school effectiveness, as well as school characteristics and managerial ability through school climate; there was a significant indirect correlation  between community participation and managerial ability through school climate; there was no significant direct correlation between school characteristics and school effectiveness; there was a significant indirect correlation between community participation and school effectiveness; there was no significant indirect correlation between school characteristics and school effectiveness through managerial ability.


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How to Cite

Paramartha, W. (2016). The relationship of school characteristics, society participation, schools climate, and management capability with school effectiveness in the state of senior high school in Bali Province. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(11), 41–56. Retrieved from



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