The development of an e-learning-based learning service for MKDP curriculum and learning at Indonesia University of Education


  • - Rusman Indonesia University of Education, Bandung-Indonesia
  • - Lukman Muhammadiyah Mataram University, Mataram-Indonesia


based learning service, curriculum learning, E-learning, MKDP, network technology


E-learning was a general term used to refer to computer-enhanced learning based that facilitates whoever, wherever, and whenever the person is to be able to learn more fun, easier and cheaper by using the Internet. In other words, E-learning was the use of network technologies to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere. It also means a learning facility that uses electronic devices such as LAN, WAN, or Internet to give lectures, to interact, or to guide and monitor the students. E-learning was naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning. This learning was an asynchronous or self-directed; self-paced activity that is used in order for the students to obtain learning materials by using electronic computing devices that are designed to help the students to get learning materials needed. Asynchronous consists of learning that was stand-alone. Asynchronous eLearning can be delivered through the web, via an Intranet, or by way of an extranet. The Curriculum and Education Technology Department of the Indonesia University of Education is now trying to design and to use this E-learning as a supplement in MKDP curriculum and learning subjects.


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How to Cite

Rusman, .-., & Lukman, .-. (2017). The development of an e-learning-based learning service for MKDP curriculum and learning at Indonesia University of Education. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(2), 67–75. Retrieved from



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