The use of backpacker learning technique to improve the memorize and students learning outcome on materials of comparing natural and social condition of neighboring countries



backpacker technique, learning objective, learning technique, materials, understanding ability


Learning technique was an approach or the way to achieve every learning objectives and its indicators of each material. In this study, learning technique was used was backpacker technique which ultimately students were invited to know an area of interest or visiting to prepare many equipment like backpacker does. The issues are examined in this study, does backpacker learning techniques can improve the memory and learning outcome of students on the materials of "Comparing the natural and social conditions of neighboring countries." Later, the goal of this study is to give description of students' ability level to remember every learning journey during teaching and learning process through backpacker learning technique. The subjects of this study are students of Elementary School number 2 Pancor at sixth grade in Selong East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara province. The data sources was gathered by researcher based on teaching difficulties which was experienced by teacher during of teaching and learning activity.


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How to Cite

Rohimah, .-. (2017). The use of backpacker learning technique to improve the memorize and students learning outcome on materials of comparing natural and social condition of neighboring countries. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(2), 104–113. Retrieved from



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