Penal mediation policy of land criminal offense resolution in the outer courts of Indonesia


  • Simon Nahak Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


completion, land criminal offense, outer Indonesia, penal mediation, policy


Land was a masterpiece that was created by the Almighty God had been given to mankind who lives at starting their born, their activities in the world until death. Therefore, the land was a basic human need, which required land for a living, to grow crops, investing to be a source of life. Cosmological, the land was wherein the people lived, to work and live activity places, and rest after hard working. The land was a natural resource that was needed by a human, the human needs for land always increasing, and land availability will be limited. Due it’s limitation, it was impacted an economic value was higher based on increasing demand for land, therefore, the land was true for residential shifted into business items that led to the competition was very tight and raised a legal issues unlike the land disputed in aspects Civil law, the law of the State Administration to Criminal Offense.


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How to Cite

Nahak, S. (2017). Penal mediation policy of land criminal offense resolution in the outer courts of Indonesia. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(2), 123–130. Retrieved from



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