Assembly of matted panels with guadua cane (angustifolia kunth), for construction of houses in Manabi Province


  • Alfredo Cecilio Zambrano Rodriguez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Luis Garcia Faure Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Galvin Antonio Toala Arcentales Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Galo Arturo Perero Espinoza Universidad Politecnica de la Habana, Cuba


bamboo cane, energy economy, social impact, technological process, woodhouses


In some regions of Ecuador, mainly in the rural areas, the bamboo cane (Angustifolia Kunth), is presented as a renewable natural resource par excellence, which has ecological importance, the wood obtained from this plant is used since very ancient times in the construction of Housing, its technology has not changed in several years. Its industrialization is restricted, due to different factors, mainly because the natural characteristics of the material are unknown, such as age, moisture content, soil nutrients, and treatment after cutting, among others. Knowing these elements can be implemented technologies for the cutting and sterilization of the wood obtained from these plantations and develops a national technology for the construction of housing for social use, thereby achieving an impact on society by having more comfortable, safe and economic facilities.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, A. C. Z., Faure, L. G., Arcentales, G. A. T., & Espinoza, G. A. P. (2017). Assembly of matted panels with guadua cane (angustifolia kunth), for construction of houses in Manabi Province. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(2), 131–138. Retrieved from



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