Aquifer hydraulics parameters determination regarding one well base on geolistric data: a case study in Bugbug Karangasem Bali


  • I Nengah Simpen Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Sutarpa Sutama Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Redana Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Siti Zulaikah Malang State University, Indonesia


aquifer, geoelectric, hydraulics parameter, single well, transmissivity


Aquifer parameters knowledge was necessary for interpreting the aquifer state. It included porosity (?), hydraulic conductivity (K), specific storativity (Ss), storativity (S) and transmissivity (T). There were some methods for knowing the aquifer hydraulics parameters was Chow Method, Jacob Method, and Theis Method. These methods employed two wells i.e. one as test wells and another one monitored well for monitoring the water depth. The one assumption in this method was the aquifer equal thickness to the infinite width. What if the aquifer has an unequal thickness and limited width as well as on aquifer with buried veins or trenches? A research has been conducted to determine the aquifer hydraulic parameters with a single geoelectric on data-based wells. The steps that were taken i.e. firstly was measured by geoelectric method currently place to know the magnitude of aquifer resistivity/conductivity. Secondly, drilling was carried out in the place of the suspected aquifer. Thirdly, it was the water conductivity measurement obtained from the aquifer.


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How to Cite

Simpen, I. N., Sutama, I. N. S., Redana, I. W., & Zulaikah, S. (2017). Aquifer hydraulics parameters determination regarding one well base on geolistric data: a case study in Bugbug Karangasem Bali. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research, 3(4), 117–125. Retrieved from



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