Water quality of the poza honda dam and other water points down


  • Beatriz Irene Caballero Giler Civil Engineering, Master in Education, professor of the Unversidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Carlos Menendez Gutierrez Civil Engineering, Master in Education, professor of the Unversidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Marjory Caballero Mendoza Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor in the Universidad Politecnica de la Habana, Cuba
  • Antonio Vazquez Perez Doctorate program in Local development, Scientific collaborator in the Universidad Tecnica de Manabí, Ecuador


aquifer pollution, climate change, domestic waste, environmental management, water quality


The phenomenon of pollution of water basins is eliminating many potential water resources. Most of the pollution in Ecuador comes from household waste and agricultural chemicals, especially along the coast. One of the activities in the management of the water resource is the periodic monitoring of the bodies of water, being able to determine the different changes that occur and to influence through preventive actions that manage to reduce the pollution. The water resource is the articulating axis of all the activities in a territory and therefore of the populations that develop different productive activities that not only depend on the quantity and quality of this resource but also generate alterations to the natural state of the same. In the investigation, the monitoring of the quality of the water in different points of the Poza Honda dam and of the river Portoviejo is carried out. The study aims to manage the pollution processes that occur in the aquifer, due to the depositions of domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater not controlled to be discharged.


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How to Cite

Giler, B. I. C., Gutierrez, C. M., Mendoza, M. C., & Perez, A. V. (2017). Water quality of the poza honda dam and other water points down. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(3), 1–10. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjeis/article/view/559



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