Rumen metabolite of balinese cows that being given stewed water of lannea coromandelica peel as feed additive


  • Stefanus Sio Timor University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • I.G. Mahardika Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I.B.G Partama Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • N.N. Suryani Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


arrow grass, gamal leaves, lannea coromandelica, rice bran, rumen metabolite


The research has been conducted to find out rumen metabolite of Balinese cows that being given stewed water of Lannea coromandelica peel as a feed additive. The research used group random design (RAK) with 4 treatments of rations and 3 times repetition. Each repetition used three Balinese cows. The weight of cows being used ranging between 137.5 – 235 kg. Basic rations being given were equal, arranged based on a percentage of dry material (% DM) namely: 50% of arrow grass, 20% of gamal leaves (Gliricidia sepium), 1% of urea and 29% of rice bran. Whereas for treatment was feed additive level. The basic ratio of +0 was feed additive (A). The basic ration of +1000 ml was feed additive (B). The basic ration of +1500 ml was feed additive (C) and a basic ration of +2000 ml was feed additive (D). Variables being observed were: N-NH3, volatile fatty acid total and volatile fatty acid partial (acetic acid, propionate acid and butyrate acid).


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How to Cite

Sio, S., Mahardika, I., Partama, I., & Suryani, N. (2017). Rumen metabolite of balinese cows that being given stewed water of lannea coromandelica peel as feed additive. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(5), 25–33. Retrieved from



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