Developing instructional multimedia for teaching line and angle to the seventh grade students of junior high school


  • A. A Gd Putra Arjawa Ganesha University of Education, Bali, Indonesia
  • - Sariyasa Ganesha University of Education, Bali, Indonesia
  • Gede Suweken Ganesha University of Education, Bali, Indonesia


DDDE, instructional media, line and angle, multimedia, teaching aid


This study was aimed at : (1) developing an instructional multimedia design  for teaching line and angle to the seventh grade students of junior high school;  (2) describing  the result of the implementation of the multimedia using GeoGebra as media of  exploration, Camtasia Studio  as  an application for sound and  video editing, Lectora Inspire  as the application for making layout and quiz;(3) finding out the validity of the multimedia for teaching line and angle to the seventh grade students of junior high school. The study used DDD-E model that consists of deciding, design, develop, and evaluate stages. The product was tried out in several stages which were done by instructional materials experts, and students at different schools and used qualitative and descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques. The result showed that the multimedia for teaching line and angle could be accepted as  instructional media with the average score of 43.5 from the instructional material experts falling into valid criterion, and the mean score given by the material experts  was17 falling into valid criterion.


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How to Cite

Arjawa, A. A. G. P., Sariyasa, .-., & Suweken, G. (2017). Developing instructional multimedia for teaching line and angle to the seventh grade students of junior high school. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(5), 66–75. Retrieved from



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