Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Quarries Dos Bocas Mouths and Mine Copeto for High Resistance Concretes


  • Lucia Katherine Macías Sánchez Civil Engineer specializing in Soil Mechanics, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Eduardo Humberto Ortiz Hernández Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Luis Santiago Quiroz Fernández Ph.D. Civil engineer, Faculty of Science, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Wilter Enrique Ruiz Párraga Professor, Civil engineer, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador


Mechanical Properties, Physical Determination, High Resistance Concretes


The importance of the use, the type and the correct quality of the aggregate (aggregate) cannot be underestimated. Thin and coarse aggregates occupy about 60% to 80% of the volume of the concrete (70% to 85% of the mass) and strongly influence the properties both in the fresh and hardened state, in the proportions of the mixture and the economy of the concrete. Due to the great importance of the quality of the materials that must be used for high strength concretes, this research has been conducted to determine if the aggregates of the Dos Bocas and Copeto quarries meet the requirements outlined in the standards MOP-001 - F- 2002 for high resistance concretes. The bulk material was taken from the Dos Bocas quarry located in Puerto Cayo, Province of Manabí, and the fine aggregate was obtained from the Copeto Mine that is located in the Santo Domingo sector, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Province. The tests executed in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, consisted in determining the quality index of the aggregate, calculating the maximum percentage of mass wear, determination of minimum and maximum percentages that pass through the standard sieves, volumetric mass, absorption and surface moisture. For a better understanding and interpretation of the results obtained from the different tests. We proceeded to graphically represent each of them for the two types of aggregates, allowing us to compare the property of each material with its respective specification, as mentioned in the Technical Specifications of the Ministry of Public Works MOP-001 - F- 2002.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, L. K. . M., Hernández, E. H. O., Fernández, L. S. Q., & Párraga, W. E. R. (2018). Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Quarries Dos Bocas Mouths and Mine Copeto for High Resistance Concretes. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 4(2), 33–40. Retrieved from



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