Piper caninum blume leaf extract and compost to suppress blast disease and increase the production of bali red rice (oryza sativa) in green house




blast disease, compost, liquid organic, piper caninum, rice crop


The parameters developed in organic farming are the use of vegetable pesticides and compost and liquid organic fertilizer. Some research has been done but it needs deeper research to get the right product. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibitory activity of Piper caninum extract against the fungus Pyricuaria oryzae causing blast disease in rice, and to find out how much the impact of compost on increased crop yield after being combined with the extract. This research is a field research located in the village of Senganan, Penebel Tabanan Bali. With the following treatment Fo = control (100% soil). F1 = (soil 90% + compost 10% + extract 0.5%). F2 = (soil 80% + compost 20% + extract 1%) F3 = (soil 70% + 30% + extract 1.5%). F4 = (soil 60% + compost 40% + 2% extract), do repeat 4 times. The results showed that P. caninum extract effectively inhibited blast disease and could reduce the intensity of blast disease. The combination with compost can significantly increase yields (67.62%), reduce empty grains, and increase rice size.


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How to Cite

Suriani, N. L. (2019). Piper caninum blume leaf extract and compost to suppress blast disease and increase the production of bali red rice (oryza sativa) in green house. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 5(4), 46–54. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjeis.v5n4.693



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