Teaching strategies and technology integration in developing blended learning of applied mathematics subject




applied mathematics, blended learning, curriculum design, learning strategies, technology integration


Applied Mathematics is a basic skill that determines the success of students in pursuing their education in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Besides having to understand concepts and be able to solve cases according to the topics taught, students are also required to be able to solve mathematical engineering problems in the application of mechanical engineering. This makes it a difficult subject for the majority of students. This difficulty is overcome by applying blended learning. This is done by integrating curriculum design with strategy and use of learning technology so that innovation and teaching excellence are formed to support the learning process of students. Learning strategies that can be applied include explanations of concepts, problem-based learning, problem-solving and case discussions. This learning strategy is supported by multimedia technology and internet-based, namely video tutorials, discussion of material and examples of online-based cases and online discussion forums. The process of face-to-face learning in class is still being carried out. The key to the success of this learning lies in the ability to create interactions between students and fellow students, with teachers, with the community, with the material with the use of existing technology.


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How to Cite

Karma, I. G. M., Darma, I. K., & Santiana, I. M. A. (2019). Teaching strategies and technology integration in developing blended learning of applied mathematics subject. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 5(5), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjeis.v5n5.726



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