Self-assessment and coevaluation on learning process in Eloy Alfaro general educational unit


  • Natividad Alcívar Vera Unidad Educativa Juan Cruz Aizprúa, Chone, Ecuador
  • Kleyner Demera Zambrano Unidad Educativa del Milenio Juan Antonio Vergara, Junín, Ecuador
  • Liseth López Vera Unidad Educativa del Milenio Temístocles Chica Saldarreaga, Chone, Ecuador
  • Nubia Quijije Troya Escuela de Educación Básica Luis Felipe Borja, San Vicente, Ecuador
  • Merly Zambrano Romero Unidad Educativa Eloy Alfaro, Chone, Ecuador


co-evaluation, evaluation, hetero-evaluation, learning process, self-appraisal


The purpose of this article is to determine the application of self-evaluation and co-evaluation in the learning processes in the General Educational Unit “Eloy Alfaro” of the Chone canton. The results of the information presented in this section were obtained through exploratory and field research, taking teachers and students as a sample by means of the survey as an information collection technique. To process the data, the methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical, inductive-deductive, which provided the inputs for the analysis and interpretation of results, have also used, and bibliographic sources were used to support the research process that contributed to the knowledge. This allowed us to conclude that the teachers of the Eloy Alfaro General Educational Unit frequently apply the hetero-evaluation and rarely make use of the self-evaluation and the co-evaluation to assess the learning process of their students, to fully evaluate the students, it is necessary to integrate the different evaluation styles, in this way a more fair and equitable assessment will be made taking into account the point of view of the student himself and his classmates, and not only the criteria of the twelve.


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How to Cite

Vera, N. A., Zambrano, K. D., Vera, L. L., Troya, N. Q., & Romero, M. Z. (2020). Self-assessment and coevaluation on learning process in Eloy Alfaro general educational unit. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 6(2), 14–23.



Research Articles