Relationship between length of leg and strength of leg muscle to frequency of straight kicks


  • Agustinus Dei Program of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation, FPOK IKIP PGRI Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia


frequency of the straight kick, length of the leg, pencak silat, relationship, strength of the leg muscle


To be able to increase kick frequency requires anthropometric factors and adequate physical conditions. Anthropometry that is very important is the length of the leg and a very important physical condition is the strength of the leg muscles. For this reason, the length of leg and strength of leg muscles which is related to the frequency of straight kicks need further investigation. This study aims to determine the relationship between the length of the leg and strength of leg muscle to the frequency of straight kicks. This research is a correlation study with data collection using tests and measurements. The population of this research is 70 male pencak silat at Junior High School of PGRI-1. From this population, 33 peoples were chosen by random sample selection. The test is a measurement of leg length using an antrophometer (cm). Measurement of leg muscle strength with leg dynamometer (kg), and frequency of straight kick measurement using a hand box and stopwatch by measuring the number of kicks in one minute. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and multiples regression.


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How to Cite

Dei, A. (2020). Relationship between length of leg and strength of leg muscle to frequency of straight kicks. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 6(2), 47–54.



Research Articles