Learning materials development on descriptive texts based on local culture as learning at junior high school



Development, Local Culture, Teaching Materials


Education based on culture could be a smart solution to producing learners with a good personality and respecting on their own cultural value. The purpose of this study is to describe the teaching materials problems and it needs of local culture-based descriptive texts and designing learning materials texts based on textual product descriptions of local culture. This research used Revees research model. The data was collected through observation, interview, and questionnaire. The results of this study indicate: (1) the problem in learning process on writing text materials is hard to be understood, students interesting to read is poor, student is quickly bored by giving descriptive texts materials about national culture, they tend so hard to imagining other people culture that is described as well the analysis of learning particular materials need about writing skills shows that Indonesian language teacher knows the materials, but they never to make it (2) learning materials design on descriptive text based on local culture-based textual description of textual materials comprising cover, introduction, table of contents, list of images, usage instructions, concept maps, activities study, summary, glossary, and bibliography. The design of the developed materials is in line with the 2013 curriculum and the material developed can make it easier for students to understand their local culture.


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How to Cite

Nurfatuhiyah, .-. (2017). Learning materials development on descriptive texts based on local culture as learning at junior high school. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(6), 39–55. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjeis/article/view/9



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