Importance of comprehensive reading: its value in basic


  • Romina Adelina Quevedo Alava Pontificia Universidad Católica, sede Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Esthela María San Andrés Laz Pontificia Universidad Católica, sede Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Josefa Katiuska Toala Palmac Pontificia Universidad Católica, sede Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Enrrique Byron Ayón Parrales Pontificia Universidad Católica, sede Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador


critical analysis, reading comprehension, strategies, teacher support


A study of the comprehensive reading, its importance and the basic value of an educational institution in the province of Manabí was conducted, it was investigated what is the impact on students, in which it benefits them to understand what is found in the pages of a text, how to broaden its criticality, the concentration of reading, writing and oral skills, to have a better communication and how reading influenced values, it was elaborated in a research way with the help of ICT, not practical, with the inductive method - deductive, finally, the linguistic norms, pauses, emphasis, vowel sounds that are used when reading are analyzed, such as strategies that can be used for images, graphics, mental or conceptual maps, together with teacher support inside or outside the classroom, coordinate the ways of studying the topics because each student thinks and analyzes differently.


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How to Cite

Alava, R. A. Q., Laz, E. M. S. A., Palmac, J. K. T., & Parrales, E. B. A. (2020). Importance of comprehensive reading: its value in basic. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 6(3), 1–8.



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