Rethinking digital trend: an approach to understanding business practices: a systematic literature review qualitative



business practice, cutting-edge technology, digital trends, systematic review


There are many ways for a business to make new deals on business practices, customer image, staff experience, and internal innovation that win over its core objectives. The use of digital technology is one way of creating brands, production processes, marketing, and advertisements, especially digital applications, which are now increasingly trendy, which distinguishes the way businesses move in the classic era that can change their business with simple technology. This paper was going to identify digital trends in understanding business practices. For that, we collected data by searching online and then analyzing the data through a coding system, in-depth evaluation, interpretation under a phenomenology approach so that the data is accurate, valid, and trustworthy. Finally, we get the results, among others, by following trends; we will play the right way according to the latest trends to make it faster and easier to connect with the audience. That way, our business can also develop into a more productive and dynamic direction.


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. (2021). Rethinking digital trend: an approach to understanding business practices: a systematic literature review qualitative. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(2), 292-300.