Identification of newspaper concerns about the adaptation plan for business strategies entering new normal era in Indonesia



business strategy, COVID-19 impacts, entering new normal, financial crisis, newspaper voices


This article identified national newspaper headlines that articulate the business strategy adaptation entering a new normal era. Many studies discuss profitable business strategies in the era of the economic crisis since the Covid-19 pandemic. However, very few have solved an adaptive business strategy without ignoring the safety risks of the danger of the coronavirus. To identify how business practices are adaptive strategies, a search for news sources in national newspapers has been carried out. After collecting data using keyword search, then proceed with descriptive analysis under a phenomenological approach. The analysis covered the themes of coding, revision, evaluation, writing conclusion, and proofreading. All steps were taken to ensure the main points of this finding have answered research questions with the principles of validity and reliability. As a result, 10 newspapers were talking about the preparation of business strategy adaptive entering a new normal era. It is hoped that the concern from various economic experts will be a sound academic contribution and insights as evidence of public interest in challenging times. Therefore, these findings will support the recovery of the current state of national economic status under the government policy to economic normalization as part of the response to the pandemic time.


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. . (2020). Identification of newspaper concerns about the adaptation plan for business strategies entering new normal era in Indonesia. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 3(1), 203-211.