The social capital and the welfare of community of vegetable farmers in Pemo village, Kelimutu sub-district, Ende regency, east Nusa Tenggara province, Eastern Indonesia


  • Imaculata Fatima Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Flores Ende, Indonesia
  • Kanisius Rambut Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Literature, University of Flores Ende, Indonesia


social capital, welfare, community, horticulture, farmers


This article is going to present a theme: The Relationship between Social Capital And the Welfare of the Community of vegetables as part of horticultural farming of the farmers in Pemo village, Kelimutu district, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Eastern Indonesia. Then, it raises an issue related to the theme, namely the role of social capital in increasing the business of vegetable horticultural farmers in Pemo village. Beside that, it is designed to describe the role of social capital to increase the the business of the vegetable horticultural farmers in Pemo village. To collect the data related the problem of the study, the researchers use the descriptive qualitative approach with completed by some method such as interview and observation. In term of collecting data, researchers also prefer to use a quantitative approach with the method of distributing questionnaires. In addition, This article presents the significance of the study. It is important for the vagetable horticultural farmers in Pemo village to know that the social capital is very urgent factor to increase their business of vegetables. 


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How to Cite

Fatima, I., & Rambut, K. (2022). The social capital and the welfare of community of vegetable farmers in Pemo village, Kelimutu sub-district, Ende regency, east Nusa Tenggara province, Eastern Indonesia. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(2), 105-113.