Challenges of human resources governance in facing the era of digital-based economic competition

What evidences from an academic perspective



academic evidence, challenges, competitive economy, digital era management, human resources


This paper aims to conduct a discussion backed up by academic findings on the study of challenges faced by economic HR managers who compete in the digital era; the problems and challenges faced by HR managers are admittedly weighty. Therefore, various breakthroughs and studies are needed to minimize these challenges. For this reason, this study has utilized many academic publications to back up a study of the challenges faced by managing sustainable economic and human resources based on digital applications. We did an online search for data in many published journals, both books, and articles, which we then studied carefully, such as involving data coding, data analysis, comprehensive data evaluation, and data interpretation so that these data become valid and valid findings to answer research problems and hypotheses. 


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How to Cite

Abdullah, A. (2022). Challenges of human resources governance in facing the era of digital-based economic competition: What evidences from an academic perspective. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(3), 166-175.