Business model canvas implementation in the Besuki Peak tourism development strategy, Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia


  • Ainul Luthfiana Master of Management, Postgraduate program at Kadiri Islamic University Kediri, Indonesia
  • Eka Askafi Master of Management, Postgraduate program at Kadiri Islamic University Kediri, Indonesia
  • Arisyahidin Master of Management, Postgraduate program at Kadiri Islamic University Kediri, Indonesia


business model canvas, community empowerment, rural economy, tourism villages


Local potential is the main asset for rural communities to revive the village economy. The science of human resource management should be implied in life as a direct solution to the problem that is found in rural life, namely the lack of human resources capacity in managing local potential to become a force that is expected to improve the living standards of the community if managed and developed correctly. This research conducted a study directly through observation, in-depth interviews. It focused group discussions strengthened by literature studies to explore and map the local potential of Jugo Village, one of the tourist villages in Kediri Regency, which is now in a vacuum. Carrying the philosophy of appreciative inquiry with questions to explore the strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results of critical figures of village youth as key informants in this study. The results were then analyzed using a business model canvas to design the concept of a village development strategy with the Besuki Peak Ecotourism design.


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How to Cite

Luthfiana, A., Askafi, E., & Arisyahidin, A. (2022). Business model canvas implementation in the Besuki Peak tourism development strategy, Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(3), 217-225.