How can context and information content of advertising increase sales of advertising products on social media?

Evidence from journal marketing publications



advertisement, business contact, content, increase, social media


This paper aims to understand how the information presented on social media can move the roads and business partners today. The author believes that the more attractive the content and where an advertisement is on social media, the more business sales will increase sales. As a result of a good review and high reliability. After a series of reviews and discussions of the results, advertising content information on various social media platforms has been proven to increase business sales results. This happens because today's social media is a place for friendship and teaching for the promotion and advertising of various business products and services. It is hoped that these findings will become a scientific repertoire of similar study approaches in the future.


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How to Cite

Nurmala, N. (2022). How can context and information content of advertising increase sales of advertising products on social media? Evidence from journal marketing publications. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(4), 488-495.