Identification of MSME product and service marketing strategies using social networking in Indonesia



identification, marketing, MSME products, social networks


Marketing any business product is essential to do. In today's technological era, the most effective marketing is digital means, especially social networks, which are phenomenal in many circles. This study will try to identify the marketing strategy of MSME products through social networks. We searched electronically for data on literature sources, especially online marketing strategies. The data we found by searching digitally on much literature in the form of books, journal publications, and other sources. We analyzed the data with a phenomenological approach. Computational data analysis involves a comprehensive data coding system, in-depth evaluation, and interpretation to find comprehensive and valid answers. After discussing these findings, we conclude that social networks offer many marketing options through various social media platforms. MSME products can be promoted with very cheap or even free payment systems. The several strategies that we have summarized, among others, by creating a marketing blog, communicating merchandise, establishing relationships, and designing exciting content. Thus, this finding is beneficial for business, academics, and policymakers.


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How to Cite

Nurmala, N. (2022). Identification of MSME product and service marketing strategies using social networking in Indonesia. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(2), 114-124.