Understanding the challenges and opportunities of micro, small, and medium enterprises during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a systematic review




challenges, COVID-19, MSMEs, opportunities, review studies, understanding


Through this review, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for MSMEs during a pandemic in Indonesia. This review examines the two sides of the small business experience, both difficulties, and opportunities. Understand these small business movers' experiences and success stories, a series of data collection; Google search, Google Scholar, ERIC Publications, and other data sources. Then we continue our in-depth analysis with a phenomenological approach until we get valid and reliable data in answering the questions of this systematic review study. Analyzing our data starts with understanding the study problem, coding the data, evaluating the data in-depth, and drawing data conclusions. The procedure and design of this systematic review study followed the guidelines for descriptive qualitative research methods. These findings include that most MSMEs have turned challenges into opportunities in sustaining their businesses after being hit by the Pandemic through the support of many parties, especially the government and experts. Thus the findings of this study are essential inputs to support MSMEs to survive and be sustainable.


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How to Cite

Sudarmo, S. (2021). Understanding the challenges and opportunities of micro, small, and medium enterprises during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a systematic review . International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 54-62. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijbem.v4n1.825