The importance of inclusive learning and teaching enviroment and teacher reflection



child, inclusive learning, self-reflection, teacher-educator reflection, teaching environment


The research aims to identify the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the preschool teachers of the target group regarding the implementation/development of inclusive education. Structure/methodology /approach-10 teachers participated in this study, who were also involved in the research carried out within the framework of the project "teacher reflection for quality early inclusive education". An early inclusive education environment self-reflection method was used, developed within the framework of the early childhood inclusive education (I) project implemented by the European agency for special needs and inclusive education from 2015 to 2017 ( childhood-education), our adapted version. Research is qualitative. The reflection method included four open questions: This article reflects educators on the "inclusive environment of teaching and learning". Conclusion: the survey participants ' responses prove that educators and educators are aware of the desire and need to increase their knowledge about the inclusive environment of learning and teaching, but they find it difficult to reflect on these issues and analyze them based on their practice, which can again be considered as their low competence in this regards. Novelty/value: the study of teacher-educator reflection is not conducted on the example of our practice. 


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How to Cite

Dzamukashvili, S. (2022). The importance of inclusive learning and teaching enviroment and teacher reflection. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 5(1), 39-43.