Harmony and tolerance as a tengger identity: reflections for Indonesian identity and unity degradation



  • Wimmy Haliim Brawijaya University, Political Science Department, Indonesia


Tengger Identity, Indonesian Unity, Identity Degradation, Harmony Religious Tolerance


The degradation of our Identity and Indonesian Unity is an important issue to be discussed. The Conflict number Because of Ethnic, Religion, and Race (SARA), which always occur in various regions in Indonesia is the fact that the Identity and National Unity has degraded. Through Phenomenology Research Methods, researchers doing research to lift to the surface on the local wisdom of the Tengger’s in Ngadas Village, District Poncokusumo, Malang. The Local Wisdom Such is the Identity of Tengger. Tengger Identity is Harmony and Tolerance. Religious differences are not a problem for them, because of the attitude of harmony and tolerance entrenched for a long time. The impact, in some decision making of political or social issues, The Tengger’s never used Voting, but the Musyawarah untuk Mufakat (The Council for Consensus). Thus, the Unity community is a positive result obtained by the Tengger’s. In the end, the phenomena Ngadas village could be a reflection and a reference for us to reflect and initiate back the Identity and National Unity of the United Nation of Indonesian Republic.


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How to Cite

Haliim, W. (2018). Harmony and tolerance as a tengger identity: reflections for Indonesian identity and unity degradation. International Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijss.v1n1.1