Some aspects of improving the activities of political party factions in the development of the multiparty system


  • Sirojjon Nasipkulovich Berdikulov Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


competition, electorate, faction, ideological struggle, lawmaking, opposition, parliamentary control, political party


The article covers issues related to improving the activities of factions of political parties in the multiparty system. The article also tries to highlight the mechanisms of increasing the activities of political party factions in parliament, as well as aspects of the legislation. In general, the role and importance of political parties in modernizing the country and building civil society is growing today. Therefore, the factions of political parties operating in Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis require greater socio-political activity and initiative.


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How to Cite

Berdikulov, S. N. (2021). Some aspects of improving the activities of political party factions in the development of the multiparty system. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 241-244.