Legal protection for child victims of sexual violence crimes



child protection, legal instruments, legal protection, sexual crimes, sexual violence


The purpose of this research is to find out, namely: (1). Forms of legal protection for children victims of crime and sexual violence` (2). Barrier factors in providing legal protection for children who are victims of sexual violence crimes. A method with a qualitative approach that describes the phenomena that occur. Data collection techniques through: (1). In-depth interviews of key volunteers to obtain data (2). Survey at the location for phenomena that appear at the research location. (3). Literature study to complement the data with new theories that focus on research. Conclusion: (1). Providing legal protection for children who are victims of sexual crimes, with regulations and the Child Protection Act number 35 of 2014. by providing children's rights. (2). As an obstacle in legal protection for children victims of sexual crimes, that legal instruments and legal regulations are norms that are still biased and have multiple interpretations and there is no coherence in any regulations or legislation on child protection.


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How to Cite

Myranika, A. (2022). Legal protection for child victims of sexual violence crimes. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 37-44.