Increasing millennial legal compliance and awareness through virtual applications



legal awareness, legal studies, millennial legal compliance, virtual application


Efforts to educate the millennial generation can be made in many ways. One of the points is using digital application devices because millennials are the most involved in various virtual worlds. We carried out this study to obtain scientific evidence on how to improve the legal compliance of millennial citizens through the use of virtual applications, which are now increasingly becoming phenomenal. We get supporting data from various scientific applications in secondary data, including books, scientific publications, legal learning websites, and point technology. It is an efficient approach or strategy to encourage the younger generation to care about the importance of the law; this method is carried out with the consideration that the younger generation are millennials who are very close to the virtual world—technology applications.


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How to Cite

Riyanti, R. (2022). Increasing millennial legal compliance and awareness through virtual applications. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 96-104.